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Support us with a major gift

The Science Museum has ambitious plans for the future which can only be realised through the support of generous individuals who share our vision.

We have a long history of working in partnership with philanthropists to deliver innovative new galleries, major capital campaigns, and learning and outreach activities both within the museum and at schools across the UK.

David and Claudia Harding, lead funders of Mathematics: The Winton Gallery, pictured at the gallery’s formal opening alongside Dr David Rooney, Lead Curator, Sir Ian Blatchford, Director, and Dame Mary Archer, Chairman of the Science Museum Group

Above: David and Claudia Harding, lead funders of Mathematics: The Winton Gallery, pictured at the gallery’s formal opening alongside Dr David Rooney, Lead Curator, Sir Ian Blatchford, Director, and Dame Mary Archer, Chairman of the Science Museum Group.

Most recently, David and Claudia Harding made the opening of our brand-new Mathematics: The Winton Gallery possible. Since it was formally unveiled in December 2016, the gallery has helped turn a niche subject into a major draw at the museum attracting over 23,000 visitors a week.

‘We are proud to be associated with this project... this gallery will inspire more children to study maths and find it less frightening and more enticing.’

Lead funders David and Claudia Harding at the opening of Mathematics: the Winton Gallery

Further information

We would be delighted to discuss your interests and priorities with you. To talk about developing your relationship with the Museum, please contact:

Daisy Ayre, Head of Philanthropy 
