Hazard Identification Sheet
This information will help you write your risk assessment—it explains what measures the museum has in place and what you as a teacher or group leader should do to ensure the health and safety your group during your visit.
Hazard Incidents
Death or serious injury.
Existing control measures at the museum
Museum staff are trained and practised in managing evacuations when fire or other incidents occur. Evacuation procedures are explained here.
Further action required from group leaders
You should:
- Read and understand the museum’s evacuation information before your visit.
- Brief your group and accompanying adults about what to do in the event of an evacuation.
Safeguarding concerns.
Existing control measures at the museum
We have a safeguarding policy in place.
We require that all groups to report safeguarding concerns to a member of staff at your first opportunity.
Staff are trained to deal with safeguarding incidents and to identify and report any concerns. We state that group leaders must stay with their group at all times to ensure their health and safety.
Supervisory requirements are explained on the museum’s website; a link to this page is given in the correspondence sent to group leaders prior to their visit.
Museum staff are aware of safeguarding requirements when helping young people separated from their group.
Further action required from group leaders
You should:
- Read and understand the museum’s health and safety information prior to the visit.
- Read and understand the museum’s safeguarding information prior to the visit.
- Report any safeguarding concerns immediately to our Security team on 020 7942 4444 or ask one of our uniformed members of staff to make the call for you.
- Ensure young people are always accompanied while in the museum.
- Brief your group that if they become separated they should ask a uniformed member of staff for help, and stay with the staff member.
- If you realise that a member of your group has become separated you must report the situation to our Security team on 020 7942 4444 or ask one of our uniformed members of staff to make the call for you.
- Ensure that everyone is present before leaving the museum.
Physical and mental harm, prosecution, litigation.
Existing control measures at the museum
- We state that group leaders must stay with their group at all times, to ensure their health and safety.
- Group leaders are asked to confirm their acceptance of supervisory requirements, including the need to stay with their group, when using the museum’s online booking portal to request their visit.
- Supervisory requirements are explained on the museum’s website.
- On arrival at the museum group leaders are reminded by museum staff to accompany their group at all times to ensure their health, safety and behaviour.
- Museum staff working directly with young people have DBS certificates.
- All museum staff will follow Science Museum Group guidelines on working with young people.
Further action required from group leaders
You should:
- Ensure your group is accompanied at all times in the museum to guard against improper conduct towards them.
- Tell your group what to do if they experience improper conduct.
- Immediately report any instance of or concerns about improper conduct to a member of museum staff.
Injury to visitors, damage to exhibits.
Existing control measures at the museum
- Group leaders are required to stay with their group at all times to ensure their conduct.
- Group leaders are asked to confirm their acceptance of supervisory requirements when using the museum’s online booking portal to request their visit.
- Supervisory requirements are included in our previsit correspondence.
- On arrival at the museum group leaders are reminded by museum staff to accompany their group at all times to ensure their health, safety and behaviour.
- Museum staff will raise concerns about poor behaviour or misconduct with the group leader and ask them to address the situation. If misbehaviour persists, museum staff may ask group leaders to remove the offending young people from the museum.
Further action required from group leaders
You should:
- Brief your group about appropriate behaviour in a large public venue.
- Ensure your group is accompanied at all times in the museum to proactively encourage appropriate behaviour.
- Have plans in place in case anyone is asked to leave the building because of unacceptable conduct.
Minor to severe illness
Existing control measures at the museum
We have staff trained in first aid and several first aid rooms.
Further action required from group leaders
- If individuals require medication, remember to bring it and keep it with you throughout the day.
- If anyone feels unwell, tell a member of staff so they can support you, following our first aid procedure
Slip, fall and/or injury
Existing control measures at the museum
- Museum staff finding a spillage will report it to cleaners to be mopped up.
- Wet-floor signs will be put in place by museum staff when aware of wet flooring.
Further action required from group leaders
You should inform museum staff if there is a leak or spill from drinks carried by your group.
Minor injury from trapped fingers or hands.
Existing control measures at the museum
Museum staff will ensure visitors’ hands are away from the units when opening and shutting the lids.
Further action required from group leaders
You must ensure hands are well away from the units when opening and shutting the lids yourself.
Trip, fall and/or injury
Existing control measures at the museum
All stairs have handrails. Tread edges are clearly defined.
Further action required from group leaders
You should remind young people to pay attention and behave appropriately when using stairs.
Minor injuries to limbs, spread of disease, allergic reactions, interference with medical devices.
Existing control measures at the museum
- Specific exhibits that may present a higher risk are highlighted on the museum’s website.
- Warning signs are in place for exhibits using magnets that can affect medical devices.
- Adult-to-child supervisory ratios are in place to ensure health and safety, and encourage appropriate behaviour. They are explained and enforced at the time of booking.
- Museum staff will brief groups on arrival at the hands-on galleries to explain how to behave in the area.
Further action required from group leaders
You should:
- Tell museum staff about any health considerations within your group at the time of booking and on arrival at the museum.
- Explain potential hazards to your group.
- Proactively supervise your group in hands-on areas and remind your other accompanying adults to do the same.
- Encourage hand-washing after interaction with hands-on exhibits.
Minor injury.
Existing control measures at the museum
There is signage on the door warning of a step beyond. Where possible, museum staff will give a verbal warning to exiting groups.
Further action required from group leaders
You should pay attention as your group passes through the door.
Illness ranging from mild to fatal
Existing control measures at the museum
- Timed admission tickets are in place to manage the number of people in the museum.
- Tickets will be read by contactless escanners.
- In line with government guidance, wearing a face covering is not compulsory. We encourage maskwearing so that everyone feels welcome and safe.
- Screens are installed at our reception desks and information points.
- Hand sanitiser stations are located throughout, including at entrances, exits and interactive experiences.
- We have taken all reasonable steps to provide adequate ventilation in enclosed spaces.
Further action required from group leaders
- You must prebook your visit and bring your confirmation email, with the QR code ready to scan, for admission into the museum.
- Please ensure you follow government guidelines to keep yourself, your group and others safe.
- If any member of your group has COVID-19, please consider government guidelines and whether you think it is appropriate for your group to visit.