Ocean Odyssey 3D (U) Category: IMAX screening Now showing Embark on an extraordinary journey through Earth’s vast ocean highways with a baby humpback whale to uncover the secrets of ocean currents. Book now
Information Age gallery tour Category: Tour Dates and times vary Explore 200 years of information and communication technology with our knowledgeable volunteer guides.
LGBTQ+ Highlights tour Category: Tour Dates and times vary Join one of our volunteer guides to explore the Science Museum Group Collection through the lens of gender and sexual identity.
Versailles: Science and Splendour exhibition tour Category: Tour Dates and times vary Explore Versailles: Science and Splendour with one of our volunteer guides and learn how science was used as a tool of power in the royal court at Versailles.
Antarctica 3D (U) Category: IMAX screening Now showing Antarctica is a land of mystery and yet what happens there affects every single one of us. Duration 60 minutes Book now
Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries Tour Category: Tour Dates and times vary Explore the most significant medical collection in the world with one of our knowledgeable volunteer tour guides.
Women in Science Tour Category: Tour Dates and times vary Join one of our volunteer-led tours to discover the incredible stories of women scientists.
The Clockmakers' Museum gallery tour Category: Tour Dates and times vary Join one of our knowledgeable volunteer tour guides to explore the world’s oldest collection of clocks and watches.
A Beautiful Planet 3D (U) Category: IMAX screening Now showing Narrated by Academy Award winner Jennifer Lawrence, A Beautiful Planet 3D provides a unique vantage point to witness humanity’s impact on the world. Duration 60 minutes. Book now
Mathematics: The Winton Gallery tour Category: Tour Dates and times vary Join a tour led by one of our volunteer guides, and discover how mathematics connects to every aspect of our lives.
Making the Modern World gallery tour Category: Tour Dates and times vary Take a free tour of Making the Modern World and get acquainted with some of the most significant items from our collection—inventions that have shaped society.
Flight gallery tour Category: Tour Dates and times vary Join one of our knowledgeable guides for a free tour of the breathtaking Flight gallery.
Science City 1550–1800: The Linbury Gallery Tour Category: Tour Dates and times vary Join one of our volunteer guides for an insightful tour of the Science City gallery.