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Cancer Revolution: Science, innovation and hope

This world-first, object-rich exhibition revealed the past, present and future of how cancer is prevented, detected and treated. With over 100 objects and numerous personal accounts, the exhibition brought to life the stories of people affected by cancer, together with those who study and treat it, revealing how researchers, clinicians, policymakers and patients are fuelling progress in a powerful expression of shared hope.

From busting myths about the causes of cancer and revealing how the disease isn’t unique to humans, to exploring how the latest cancer science, early detection technologies and immunotherapies are advancing cancer care today, Cancer Revolution: Science, innovation and hope showed the incredible progress we have made in understanding this disease and highlighted the important challenges that are still to be solved.

Created by the Science Museum Group with support from expert partner Cancer Research UK, the exhibition explores how, at a pivotal moment when one in two of us will be diagnosed with cancer in our lifetime, more of us than ever before are living longer and better with the disease and beyond.

The exhibition’s showing at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester has already been met with warm praise, as seen in the following quotes:

This exhibition was made possible by funding from Cancer Research UK, Pfizer, John S Cohen Foundation and Julian Howard.

Cancer Revolution: Science, innovation and hope was on at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester from 22 October 2021 until March 2022. Find out more on the Science and Industry Museum website.

Principal sponsor

With support from

The John S Cohen Foundation
Julian Howard